Organaut (PC)
Developer Knobster Classical tonewheel organ emulator. Can produce «analog» and «digital» sound. MP3 – Demo Organaut [download id=“128″] Freeware ...
Developer Knobster Classical tonewheel organ emulator. Can produce «analog» and «digital» sound. MP3 – Demo Organaut [download id=“128″] Freeware ...
Developer AMVST Freehand is a wavetable synth that can produce a wide range of sounds, as you can draw your own waveforms, save and load them up again, even randomize your wavefor...
Developer DSK Music Classic orchestra instruments. MP3 – Demo DSK Overture External Download Freeware ...
Developer DSK Music DSK AkoustiK GuitarZ is a sampled-based acoustic guitar sound module. MP3 – Demo DSK AkoustiK GuitarZ [download id=“228″] Freeware ...
Developer Novakill Nitrous PD and PM are two bass and lead synthesizer´s. MP3 – Demo NitrousPDPM [download id=“15″] Freeware ...
Developer MARVIN VST Virtual Analog Percussion Synthesizer. MP3 – Demo tromine_trokow [download id=“213″] Freeware ...
Developer GTG Synths MS 2008 Classic analog synth. Logical layout. Modulation Envelope. MP3 – Demo MS2008 test song [download id=“113″] Freeware ...
Developer TbT – Audio Das Tbt Audio „Master-Bundle“ beinhaltet zwölf Effekt-PlugIns ua. Audio to MIDI, Compressor Limiter Maximizer usw…Nicht schlecht di...
Developer Sweetboy Das Sweetboy“Master-Bundle“ SH-1 beinhaltet sieben Effekt-PlugIns ua. Graphic EQ, Delay, LFO Multi, Reverb, PhaseSifter, Chorus (Chorus/Flanger) un...
Developer Novaflash Das „Effekt Bundle“ besteht aus einem, Glitch, Stereo Filter, Stereo Flanger und Phase Shifter – Effekt(e). [download id=“197″...